7. Professional Images/Portraits

Molly :: Internet Entrepreneur | In Studio


. . Sunlit * Photography . .

Gretta (sister to Sarah in a few sessions below) was tons of fun to photograph!  She asked me to snap a few head shots for a modeling launch.  It was a brisk fall morning but it didn’t bother her one bit and it made for beautiful portrait lighting.


S u n l i t * P h o t o g r a p h y

Karina is not only a naturally beautiful, she is a tech savvy business woman.  She is a marketing consultant that specializes in building brands online.  She has worked with large and small businesses alike to generate meaningful Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Email, Social Media, Ecommerce and Branding Campaigns.  (Her website is under construction but will be posted soon.)

Trollhaugen Billboard

S u n l i t * P h o t o g r a p h y

Check out the first Sunlit * Photography image on a a billboard!

(photo of the billboard taken by: C. Shores)

Molly: Internet Entrepeneur

. . S u n l i t * P h o t o g r a p h y . .

Molly is an internet entrepeneur, teaching ordinary people how to generate a full-time income from home by building multiple streams of income online.  For more information, visit her website at http://www.MollysOnlineSecrets.com.  She also happens to be  adorable Baby Deagan’s mommy!